We’re well aware how easy it is to reach a stalemate with your skincare regime, or not to know how best to change things up, particularly as our lifestyles change. With multiple treatments focused on supporting fabulous skin in our arsenal, we’ve plenty to help in this respect.
Also see our Sciton JOULE ® Light & Laser Technologies – a range of advanced therapies covering all skincare needs – from gentle dermal smoothing to full-blown ablative resurfacing, and revolutionary light treatment BBL ® HEROic ™ and HALO ®.
Other highlights include Injectable Moisturisers – which not only offer deep hydration and luminosity, but also repair the skin at a cellular level, and Mesotherapy – an entry-level injectable, in which micro-injections of active pharmaceutical or homeopathic preparations are dispensed into the skin for a brightening and tightening effect that emanates from within.
Other excellent therapies include the exceptional exfoliation of Chemical Peels, and all-natural, long-established spa treatment Carboxytherapy which tackles everything from cellulite to dark eyes while adding an essential glow.
Don’t forget our suite of concern-specific facials, TLC Acne SOS, TLC Pigmentation SOS, TLC Problem Pores SOS, TLC Rosacea SOS, TLC Sag-Defying SOS and TLC Super Skin MOT facials.