Whether you’ve had a baby, are managing the menopause, suffering from incontinence, or simply feel uneasy with the natural transitions that ageing brings (at any age), we recognise that change can make you feel disempowered. We have two key treatments designed specifically to reinstate confidence, by improving function, appearance and (with Desirial), enhancing sexual satisfaction.
Desirial ® is a formidable specialist form of dermal filler that discretely restores tone, plumpness, hydration, elasticity and sensitivity to the vulvovaginal area. Its sister version, Desirial ® Plus, is used for remodelling the outer labia, which tends to thin and become less responsive to sensation as we age. TLC is one of the only clinics to offer expert guidance in this service.
At TLC we also use NewGyn which is a polynucleotide based injectable and is used to treat the skin and mucosal quality in a similar fashion to Desirial® and they are often combined together.
Also on offer we have Chemical Peels Dermamelan Intimate for a reduction in discolouration in one treatment, and PRX Lady which offers a similar result but spread over several sessions with limited downtime.