BBL ® HEROic ™

Age-defying, skin-transformative light therapy

One of the most transformative light-based skin therapies available today, the award-winning thermal energy-centric genius of BBL® HEROic has the extraordinary potential to de-age skin cells at DNA level. This game-changing treatment serves to combat everything from acne to discolouration.


Dr Sarah Tonks says...

“The extraordinary thing about BBL® HEROic, particularly Forever Young, is that – if done regularly – it can actually de-age your skin at what’s known as the ‘gene expression level’. People generally assume their genetic code is immutable, but that’s not the case – environmental and lifestyle factors all affect what surfaces. BBL® HEROic effectively kickstarts a repair process that can express more youthful genes; a younger ‘phenotype’.”

What is it and how does it work?

BBL® (or BroadBand Light) HEROic is part of the IPL (intense pulsed light) family of procedures – and is the only system of IPL shown in a study to have the potential to rejuvenate, not just remove, ageing skin cells at a DNA level. Unlike the spot-targeted beams of traditional laser work, the BBL® HEROic handpiece is used to scatter thermal energy across the skin to swiftly treat a broad area in one go. Sometimes described as “the Swiss army knife” of light therapies due to its versatility, by focusing on delivering a general improvement, it can diminish discolouration, smooth textural imbalances, and counter rosacea, sun damage, active acne, persistent flushing and age spots.
Patients should feel minimal to no discomfort during treatment as the handpiece glides across the skin, thanks to a sapphire cooling system on the end of the applicator’s device that keeps the skin calm, and a topical numbing cream used prior to the procedure. Post-treatment, most patients will experience a pleasantly warm sensation for an additional 30-60 minutes.
Patients can benefit from several variations of BBL® HEROic (see below) to reach specific goals, with your therapist creating a bespoke mix on your behalf to deliver maximum results. BBL® HEROic™ is a best in class device and uniquely monitors the position of the skin meaning no areas are missed during treatment and the treatment is much more rapid and thorough than typical treatments with IPL.
Forever Flawless: Designed to help reverse age spots and counter vascular conditions, rosacea and unwanted pigmentation, the thermal energy emitted in Forever Flawless specifically targets the melanin responsible for dark patches and the blood vessels that cause red or flushed skin. Spurring deep-level collagen production, skin generally appears more radiant after only one treatment. Most patients will need three to four sessions, each one month apart.
Forever Young: Often used in tandem with Forever Flawless, the deep dermal penetrating light energy used in Forever Young is focused on future-proofing skin, slowing the overt signs of ageing. An unprecedented 10-year clinical study revealed that, on average, patients appeared approximately 11 years younger than their actual biological age (so even younger than when they embarked on the trial itself!) After an initial course, patients are recommended to take two treatments per year to maintain the results.
Forever Clear: A cutting edge acne treatment, Forever Clear promises calmer skin almost instantly. Initially, blue light energy is directed into the skin’s pores to eradicate bacteria. Next, a soothing yellow light energy is administered to shrink inflammation. Finally, infrared energy is deployed to boost the skin-plumping and healing properties of collagen – minimising potential scarring. The number of treatments will be dependent on the severity of the acne.
SkinTyte: Conceived in the service of reestablishing a youthful firmness and elasticity, SkinTyte is an infrared light therapy for people wanting tighter skin without the drawback of invasive surgery. Rapid, gentle pulses of lighting kickstart the body’s natural healing process to reboot sagging skin, making it particularly appealing as a treatment for the abdomen, buttocks and arms. Four to six treatments at four-week intervals are usually advised for top results.
Forever Body: Ultra-speedy (it can be done in less than 20 minutes), Forever Body flashes light quickly across the entire body to remove pigmented cells and replace them with fresh, new undamaged cells (made even faster and safer with the new BBL® HEROic™ technology . A course of four treatments is suggested for the best results, followed by twice-yearly treatments thereafter for maintenance. Full body treatments are increasingly popular for those wanting to feel their most confident in a backless dress or on the beach.
Forever Bare: The ultimate hair removal light therapy, Forever Bare’s smooth motion technology delivers a low fluence in multiple pulses (instead of pummelling the body in one spot like conventional treatments), in order to protect the surrounding skin as it raises the follicle temperature to an effective level to remove hair. A series of three to six treatments is generally advised.

Which body parts is it designed for?

BBL® HEROic can be used anywhere on the body – the tool uses proprietary technology designed to deliver a smooth and consistent motion as it’s swept across the skin, and comes with a suite of filters relating to different wavelengths of light, enabling us to customise the treatment to each patient.

Who is it primarily good for?

Anyone aged 18+.

How long will it last for and what’s the downtime?

Expect some reddening and temporary darkening of pigmentation as it lifts, which tends to take just a few days. Each patient’s results will be different, but results can last for months or even years, depending on the condition treated, and the patient’s lifestyle and natural ageing process.


What other treatments does it work well with?

What else should I know?

To work at its very best, BBL® HEROic will require a course of treatment (see above for each instance) but, for most, early results are generally visible in just one or two treatments.


Sometimes described as the Swiss army knife of light therapies, BBL® HEROic diminishes discolouration and counters rosacea, sun damage, active acne, persistent flushing and age spots.


Here are a few final things that you might like to know before taking things forward. If you have any other questions we haven’t thought of yet, no problem! Please email us at and one of the team will get back to you as quickly as they possibly can.

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Please note the following points before proceeding to the booking site:


  • For new patients making their first booking please note that your card will be charged £150 for the initial consultation fee to be processed.
  • For more information about our specific treatment charges please see our pricing guide or get in touch.
  • Following a consultation appointment, if you choose to undergo treatment within three months of the original consultation, the £150 consultation fee is redeemable against the cost of treatment and will be held on your patient account.

  • For our existing patients, your card details will be captured at the point of booking and are held on your patient file but no charges will be applied except in the event of a late-cancellation or no-show (see below).
  • The Lovely Clinic’s Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy applies to all appointments which are cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice. All such cancellations or rescheduling will incur a cancellation fee of £150. This charge will be levied against the card details taken at the time of booking and no further appointments will be arranged until the cancellation charge has been settled.
  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, we reserve the right to cancel the appointment and charge the late-cancellation fee of £150 to avoid unfair impact on our other patients.

  • Certain services - such as Sculptra®, Lanluma® and Desirial® - will require payment in full prior to booking.

  • Packages, once commenced and the first service is taken, are strictly non-refundable. If a package is cancelled prior to commencement, the cancellation must be received within 48 hours of the first appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee of £150 will be incurred.

  • Botulinum toxin review appointments must be taken within four weeks of the original appointment. Any other timescale must be agreed with the clinic by prior arrangement.

  • Payment rendered is for the services performed only and no guarantee is given regarding any specific outcomes.

  • New patients are seen for consultation and assessment. In order to comply with General Medical Council guidelines, in exceptional circumstances, certain treatments may be carried out on the day of consultation at the agreement of the patient and clinician. More invasive treatments must be scheduled for an appointment at a later date. There is an option for an online consultation should you be travelling a long distance.

  • Treatment is granted at the discretion of the clinician. No guarantee is given that treatment will be provided for a service booked online as it may be unsuitable.

  • Your card details will be securely stored on our payment system for your convenience. This information can be removed at any time upon on request.

  • Please click here to read our full terms & conditions.

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