Spotlight on anti-ageing collagen drinks

Spotlight on anti-ageing collagen drinks


Collagen is a key building block of the body, and makes up 25% of its dry weight. Produced by fibroblast cells, it is found in ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, corneas, tooth dentine, bones, cartilage and skin. It forms a network in the skin that provides structural support, elasticity and firmness, and with all these benefits it’s no surprise that it’s been bottled in the form of drinkable anti-ageing shots.

Yes, it does sound too good to be true, but really it isn’t! The amount of collagen varies a lot between brands but it’s important to know how big the collagen peptides are – because if they are too big then they wouldn’t be absorbed. Some have 5000mg per drink, while others have 7000mg and they mostly come from marine sources in a powder that you have to mix yourself. Some contain vitamins B and C and others include glucosamine, chondroitin and L-Carnitine for muscle and joint improvement. As with all results-driven things, you need to be consistent and do this daily (like in Korea and Japan, where it’s a normal part of everyday life). This is also a great idea for women coming up to or in the menopause.

One of my favourites, Totally Derma Form Powdered Vanilla Flavoured has 10,000 mg of collagen per serving with the addition of vitamin C, grape seed extract, green tea extract, zinc, magnesium and copper. Find out more at

When it comes to the production of collagen, the amount and quality we produce declines as we age; from early childhood 1.5% less is produced every year. Things like smoking, pollution, UV light and lack of sleep are all contributors. Young skin is made of 80% type 1 collagen and 15% type 3 collagen. With age, the amount of type 1 collagen decreases causing skin to become thinner and more rigid. Skin does not conform to the contour of the face and it becomes looser and sags. Studies have shown these collagen drinks are broken down in the gut, absorbed in the bloodstream as both amino acids and peptides, and end up in the skin and other areas – such as in the joints or in the blood vessels around the heart. These peptides do several things; stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen, increase hyaluronic acid production and activate protection against UVA radiation. Interestingly, when the small bits of hyaluronic acid are in the blood stream, they trick your body into thinking they are bits of broken-down cells, which activates your repair mechanisms, and this is one of the ways these drinks make a visible difference to your appearance and health.

As you’ll come to realise, I’m a big believer in focusing on the inside as well as the outside. There’s not much point just messing around with the skin doing peels if the inside isn’t properly maintained too.

The best of the rest…

  1. Viviscal Professional Form Tablet – 950mg collagen per tablet, sources of marine, biotin and vitamin C – find out more at
  2. Skinade Form Pre-Mixed Fruit Drink – a pre-mixed fruity drink with 7000mg collagen, omegas 3 and 6, vitamin C and B complex – find out more at
  3. Collagen Gold Pro – 950mg per tablet with marine sources, beta carotene and borage oil -find out more at

Are you loving collagen drinks? Tweet me at @TheLovelyClinic!



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  • Certain services - such as Sculptra®, Lanluma® and Desirial® - will require payment in full prior to booking.

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  • New patients are seen for consultation and assessment. In order to comply with General Medical Council guidelines, in exceptional circumstances, certain treatments may be carried out on the day of consultation at the agreement of the patient and clinician. More invasive treatments must be scheduled for an appointment at a later date. There is an option for an online consultation should you be travelling a long distance.

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