The Secret Behind Botox For Sweating Relief

The Secret Behind Botox For Sweating Relief

Botox For Sweating Hyperhidrosis

As summer approaches, many of us eagerly await sunny days spent outdoors, however, the onset of warmer weather can bring a less welcome arrival – excessive sweating. Your propensity to perspire can lead to discomfort and self-consciousness, particularly when it comes to wardrobe choices. Botox for sweating provides a solution to dreaded sweat patches under the arms and on your back that have led you to avoid wearing certain colours or fabrics in the past. Book a consultation at The Lovely Clinic to minimise perspiration in time for summer!

Why Do You Sweat? 

You can think of sweating as your body’s built-in air conditioner. When temperatures rise or your stress levels peak, your nervous system triggers millions of sweat glands across your skin to spring into action, releasing droplets of fluid. This process helps regulate body temperature by evaporating sweat from the skin’s surface, which cools your body down. 

Botox for sweating is most commonly used when this mechanism becomes overactive, leading to a condition known as hyperhidrosis. This is characterised by excessive sweating that goes beyond what is necessary for thermoregulation. It can affect various parts of the body, including the palms, soles of the feet, underarms and face, causing significant social embarrassment and discomfort. 

How Does Botox For Sweating Work? 

The most effective treatment for extreme sweating is Botox. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that acts as a potent stimulator for sweat secretion. Botulinum toxin, commonly referred to as Botox, blocks the presynaptic release of acetylcholine, inhibiting the signal to activate sweat glands. Botox for sweating reduces perspiration in the treated area, providing relief from sweating for approximately 6 months. Chemical denervation is reversible, which is why Botox only has a temporary effect, however, top-up treatments maintain the effect of sweat suppression.   

What To Expect From Your Treatment

Before undergoing Botox for sweating, your Lovely Clinic doctor or nurse prescriber will discuss your medical history, expectations and any concerns you may have. On the day of your treatment, you can expect a quick and straightforward process. The targeted area will be cleaned and a topical numbing cream will be applied to reduce discomfort during the procedure. Using a fine needle, your doctor will administer Botox injections into specific points within the affected area. While discomfort is typically minimal, you may experience temporary redness, bruising or swelling at injection sites, which subsides within a few days. 

The full effect of your Botox treatment may take a couple of weeks to become apparent. Once the neurotoxin blocks the activation of your sweat glands, you can expect a significant reduction in perspiration, providing relief from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. The duration of results varies depending on the area being treated, with underarm injections typically lasting longer than those in the palms and soles of the feet. On average, Botox for sweating offers 6 months of relief. Regular follow-up appointments at The Lovely Clinic can help to prolong the outcome. 

Book Your Treatment 

Embrace a summer of confidence and limitless wardrobe choices! We understand the impact of hyperhidrosis can have on your daily life, so we’re excited to offer an effective and convenient solution. Book a consultation at The Lovely Clinic and discover how Botox for sweating can significantly reduce your concerns in just two weeks. Our experienced team provides personalised care and skincare solutions tailored to your needs. Call 020 3695 5400, email or complete our online contact form to get in touch.  



Girl in a jacket


Please note the following points before proceeding to the booking site:


  • For new patients making their first booking please note that your card will be charged £150 for the initial consultation fee to be processed.
  • For more information about our specific treatment charges please see our pricing guide or get in touch.
  • Following a consultation appointment, if you choose to undergo treatment within three months of the original consultation, the £150 consultation fee is redeemable against the cost of treatment and will be held on your patient account.

  • For our existing patients, your card details will be captured at the point of booking and are held on your patient file but no charges will be applied except in the event of a late-cancellation or no-show (see below).
  • The Lovely Clinic’s Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy applies to all appointments which are cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice. All such cancellations or rescheduling will incur a cancellation fee of £150. This charge will be levied against the card details taken at the time of booking and no further appointments will be arranged until the cancellation charge has been settled.
  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, we reserve the right to cancel the appointment and charge the late-cancellation fee of £150 to avoid unfair impact on our other patients.

  • Certain services - such as Sculptra®, Lanluma® and Desirial® - will require payment in full prior to booking.

  • Packages, once commenced and the first service is taken, are strictly non-refundable. If a package is cancelled prior to commencement, the cancellation must be received within 48 hours of the first appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee of £150 will be incurred.

  • Botulinum toxin review appointments must be taken within four weeks of the original appointment. Any other timescale must be agreed with the clinic by prior arrangement.

  • Payment rendered is for the services performed only and no guarantee is given regarding any specific outcomes.

  • New patients are seen for consultation and assessment. In order to comply with General Medical Council guidelines, in exceptional circumstances, certain treatments may be carried out on the day of consultation at the agreement of the patient and clinician. More invasive treatments must be scheduled for an appointment at a later date. There is an option for an online consultation should you be travelling a long distance.

  • Treatment is granted at the discretion of the clinician. No guarantee is given that treatment will be provided for a service booked online as it may be unsuitable.

  • Your card details will be securely stored on our payment system for your convenience. This information can be removed at any time upon on request.

  • Please click here to read our full terms & conditions.