Are Preventative Wrinkle Treatments A Real Thing?

Are Preventative Wrinkle Treatments A Real Thing?

We often see patients at The Lovely Clinic who don’t have any lines in the frown area, forehead or around the eyes, could wrinkle treatments be used preventatively for these patients?

In short: yes!

Whether our patients are getting slight hints of lines appearing or have improvements they want to make to their faces, our treatments can help to improve the appearance of these and change the way our skin behaves when we make expressions such as frowning or smiling. According to Dr Sarah Tonks, our lead cosmetic doctor, you can start these preventative treatments at a young age – but there is a limit. “It is much easier to treat someone when they are much younger – ideally in their 30s as the face has had a chance to mature… I sometimes have teenagers enquiring about these treatments which I feel is not appropriate.” Dr Sarah thinks that if these treatments are started later on in life, it can be a much more difficult job to fix: “When there are too many lines already in place, it is much harder to reverse the process.”

The aging process sees the skin naturally loosen, the muscles become more taut and bone density decreases which all can have an adverse effect on the face. So, rather than waiting until this has been happening for years, preventative treatments can provide some support and in some cases prevent it from happening almost entirely – a true anti-aging hero. Aside from supporting the skin during the natural aging process, these facial treatments can also help improve areas of the face, creating symmetry and softening the lines. For example, if there are lines above the eyebrows from frowning or genetics, we can soften these, or if the brows are asymmetrical or heavy, we can often make an improvement to give a more harmonious appearance.

So how often should these treatments be done? According to Dr Tonks, there’s no need to rush back to the clinic until around four months afterwards: “It’s important to allow the muscles in the face to regenerate. We get some patients coming back to us too soon after treatment but I prefer to see a modicum of movement before re-treating them.” For people in the public eye such as actors or news readers, it is possible to add a very small amount in order to modulate the muscle movement, but not to erase it completely, giving a very natural and more mobile appearance.

Want to learn more? Just get in touch or book a consultation.

Please note that all treatments are carried out following a medical consultation to assess suitability and need. 


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